Visitation and Custody

ferociousdigitalFamily Law

Attorney Rush successfully litigated a 9-day plenary hearing in a child dependency case for a newly-identified father fighting for the opportunity to have visitation with an 8 year old girl who he never knew was his daughter.  Despite vehement opposition from the attorney general’s office, the State’s experts, caseworkers, the law guardian, and foster parents, Attorney Rush successfully obtained a …

Custody Relocations

ferociousdigitalFamily Law

Attorney Rush has successfully litigated several custody relocation matters in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania, representing clients in applications both requesting and opposing relocation. In 2021, Attorney Rush obtained a Court Order in a Warren County (NJ) custody case permitting his client to relocate with the child to Florida. In 2018, Attorney Rush successfully litigated a 3+ day plenary hearing …

Alimony Termination/Reduction

ferociousdigitalFamily Law

Attorney Rush has successfully terminated or substantially reduced his clients’ alimony/support obligations in various post-judgment applications in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In 2021 Attorney Rush successfully obtained a Court Order in a Hunterdon County (NJ) matter terminating his client’s substantial remaining alimony obligation due to the ex-spouse’s cohabitation, saving his client more than $440,000. In 2019, Attorney Rush successfully …

Alimony/Support Awards

ferociousdigitalFamily Law

Attorney Rush has successfully negotiated several notable alimony/support awards in excess of $50,000 per year, including a Warren County (NJ) divorce matter where he obtained over $90,000 per year in permanent alimony for his client.

Custody Award/Transfer

ferociousdigitalFamily Law

Attorney Rush successfully litigated a difficult interstate custody case that originated in New Jersey and was later transferred to Pennsylvania where he ultimately obtained a Court Order transferring primary physical custody of a 9-year old child to the client.

Construction Accident

ferociousdigitalFamily Law

$2,600,000 settlement award in a construction accident case for a New Jersey tractor-trailer driver who suffered numerous severe injuries at a construction site in Oklahoma.

Prenuptial Agreement Changes

ferociousdigitalFamily Law

Attorney Rush successfully litigated a complex divorce matter involving the unreasonable terms of a prenuptial agreement that would have left the client with no alimony and zero interest in the spouse’s retirement benefits. Attorney Rush successfully argued that the prenuptial agreement was invalid because it failed to provide full and fair disclosure of the parties’ income and assets, the terms …

Divorce Settlement

ferociousdigitalFamily Law

Attorney Rush recently negotiated a high-net worth divorce settlement agreement in a long-term marriage involving a client who earned more than $1.6 million dollars per year and a non-working spouse. Attorney Rush was able to successfully limit the client’s alimony obligation to a modest one-time buyout representing less than 13% of the client’s annual income, and the client was also …

Sexual Assault

ferociousdigitalPersonal Injury

Successfully obtained a $825,000 settlement against the Allentown School District (PA) on behalf of four (4) minor children who were sexually assaulted by a fellow student in an elementary school.


ferociousdigitalFamily Law

Successfully terminated 6+ year alimony obligation to ex-spouse as a result of cohabitation less than 1 year after a Divorce Decree was entered.