
Why Should I Choose a Certified Matrimonial Law Attorney For My Divorce?
July 21, 2022
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Matrimonial or family law matters, whether it be divorce, child custody, alimony, etc., are complex, lengthy, and expensive processes to finalize. To ensure the best results for your case, you need an expert attorney on your side.  When looking for a family law attorney in New Jersey, if you want to be certain you are hiring the best and most
7 Signs It Might Be Time To Get a Divorce
April 13, 2022
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Only two people know for certain when your relationship is over: You and your partner. However, it may be easier to see the warning signs of divorce when looking from the outside rather than within. Often, family and friends can see if divorce is imminent before you do.  If you need some guidance on whether your relationship could be on
Does Child Support Continue When a Child Goes to College?
March 21, 2022
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When Does Child Support End in New Jersey? Most divorced/separated parents in New Jersey with minor children become familiar with the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines and a parent’s obligation to pay child support on behalf of their child. In short, child support is financial support paid to the other parent to assist them with maintaining a household for a
I’m Getting Married. Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement?
February 4, 2022
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Thousands of couples choose to secure their relationship with marriage, but only some decide to sign a prenuptial agreement before the big day.  From the team at The Law Office of Blake W. Rush, here’s what you need to know about prenuptial agreements in New Jersey if you plan to get married soon:   What is a Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial
5 Warning Signs of Parental Alienation
December 29, 2021
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No parent wants to think about losing their relationship with their child, but after a divorce or custody battle, this can become a reality for some when your ex turns your child against you and swift corrective action is not taken.  Parental alienation occurs when one parent tries to undermine the other parent’s parental role and authority to the point
How Much Does A Divorce Cost?
December 23, 2021
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If you’re considering filing for divorce, you’re likely concerned about how much this will cost you. The overall cost of a divorce can vary considerably depending on: (a) the number and complexity of disputed issues that exist in your case; and (b) how long it takes for both parties to reach an agreement on all issues.  For divorcing couples who
5 Tips for Managing Custody Disputes During the Holidays
December 17, 2021
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The holidays are quickly rolling in and plans are being made, but for separated parents with kids, this can be an especially difficult time to navigate. Though this season is meant to be merry and joyful, managing child custody can create disagreements and arguments that you don’t want to hinder your or your children’s holiday enjoyment.  The team at the
Is it Okay to Date During a Divorce?
September 30, 2021
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Many soon-to-be divorcees often ask their divorce attorney, “Am I able to date before my divorce is final?” Although the logical answer should be that “it isn’t a good idea until you’re officially divorced,” life just isn’t that simple. Divorce is rarely an easy decision to make, and the process can leave you feeling lonely, sad, and in need of
How is Child Support Calculated in New Jersey?
August 30, 2021
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If you and your spouse are separating or are having a child while unmarried, it’s crucial to discuss and consider child support. Every circumstance is unique, but whether you will be the custodial parent or non-custodial parent, determining the precise and fair child support payments is important to move forward with raising a child.  Here at the Law Office of
What Documents Will My Attorney Need For My Divorce?
July 19, 2021
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  It’s no secret; getting a divorce is complicated financially, legally, and emotionally. One of the most important aspects of a divorce is dividing property and assets, referred to as marital property, acquired throughout the marriage can be one of the most intricate steps. Luckily, with an experienced divorce attorney in New Jersey on your side, your attorney can handle